Comprehensive solutions in the scope including design, construction and modernization of Power equipment.
Our Staff is a team of experienced and qualifiedspecialists. In the process of execution of orders entrusted to us, we use high quality materials and modern and proven technologies, which guaranteecorrect and efficientoperation of the equipment.
We have many years of experience in designing and implementing LV switchgears. Our products are symbol of reliability, high technical level and quality. Each completed project sets new ideas for increased safety and easier operation.
We use modern systems to support the design and productionprocess. Thismakescomplexprojectseasier. Our products aremade of the bestcomponents from renownedsuppliers (Siemens, ABB, Schneider Electric, EATON, Cubic). Thisguaranteesreliability and high qualitythroughout the whole life cycle.